A cycle of child poverty, historical beliefs that accept girls as young as 10 are eligible for marriage, and the illegal practice of FGM (female genital mutilation). Each one is difficult to understand in the modern western world. Sadly, not in areas of Africa.
At the turn of the millennium, Alice and David Hinga, founded the Tumaini Brooks Centre in Gitamaiyu, Kenya. Their objectives were to build a school that would provide a safe place for children to learn, receive regular meals, and be allowed to be children.
In the beginning, there were just two pupils, and now 21 years later, the school has flourished to support the educational, social and emotional needs of over 500 children. Many of these students are orphans and refugees. They have come from the poorest and driest parts of Kenya to find sanctuary and receive the love and support they need.
The staff share a belief that, through education, the children can become informed and make their own decisions and shape their own lives.
Achieving these admirable goals, year in, year out, is tough. The landscape is hostile, dry and arid. The government is challenging, and funds are difficult to manage in the ever-changing political climate.
Why we Donated
Hobson’s Choice chose to support the Tumaini Charity because we believe our donations make a positive, immediate, and tangible impact on the well-being of the children and staff. It takes a herculean effort to just run the school day-to-day, let alone repair critical infrastructure or develop the school to support more children.
In 2021, we were delighted to make a donation that has provided the funds to upgrade and refresh the existing borehole. The funds enabled the replacement of 125 metres of pipework, the installation of a new water meter, and a well-needed borehole clean. Without this essential maintenance, the school would have effectively run dry. Unable to provide clean water to the kitchens, the bathrooms, and people who live, work and learn there.
What it means
Speaking about the borehole project, Hannah Ellis, Tumaini Children’s Charity Director, said, “We are so grateful to you! This has been such a blessing for us; it was desperate, so to be able to rely on your donation has been the biggest relief.
This is the 3rd time in 20 years we have had to invest in the borehole, so I am hoping this will place us in a good situation with access to water for some time to come.”
Ongoing support
Richard Carter, Hobson’s Choice Managing Director, commented, “We (Hobson’s Choice) intend to build upon this success in Tumaini. Working with Hannah and the UK team, we hope to introduce this hardworking, inspirational charity to a new audience of people. This will be achieved through fund-raising events at our showrooms in Bath, Swindon and Winchester, involving the whole team.
As the business grows, I want us to give something back to projects like this, and more locally, to community-based projects around our individual showrooms. I see it as an important part of the companies future .”
Find out more about Tumaini Brooks
If you would like to find out more about the Tumaini Children’s Charity and the fantastic support it provides the Tumaini Brooks School, click on the button below. On the Tumaini Children’s Charity website you can learn more about the school and the people that help to raise the funds needed to keep the project alive.